The government’s vision for improving flood risk and solid waste management in the Greater Accra Region (GAR) through the Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development (GARID) project aims to mitigate flooding impacts and enhance the area’s economic and social development.

The project, initiated in 2020 with a $200 million World Bank loan, faced setbacks when $65 million was redirected to COVID-19 expenses. An additional $150 million is now requested to restore these funds and provide compensation for affected individuals.

Opposition within the government has emerged, notably from the Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, and other MPs who argue that the project has shown insufficient progress despite significant funds already spent. They observed minimal progress at various project sites and called for a forensic audit by the World Bank to account for the expenditures.

In response, the Finance Minister, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, committed to ensuring that project activities meet contractual specifications and promised a detailed report on the project’s progress within two weeks.

The call for additional funding remains contentious, with demands for more accountability and visible results before proceeding.


SOURCE: GraphicOnline

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