Namibia, the “Germ of Africa,” a unique and popular place to be

Namibia is a country in southwest Africa. This country is a home to diverse wildlife, including a significant cheetah. The official language is English. In terms of land area, it is the 34th largest country in the world with 825,615 square kilometers. Namibia is one of the least crowded destinations on the planet. Its name was gotten from the Namib Desert- one of the world’s oldest deserts.

Below are reasons why this country should be added to that travel list.

Reasons why Namibia should be on that travel list

It is one of the youngest countries in the world, having achieved independence from South Africa on March 21, 1990. It is a home to the world’s oldest desert. The desert is also quite large, stretching for 2000 km along the Atlantic coasts of Namibia, South Africa and Angola.  Climbing dunes to watch the sunrise is actually a popular tourist activity in the country because it has some of the highest sand dunes in the world.

The country has the largest population of free roaming cheetahs in the world. It is also home to the oldest and second largest canyon in the world. The Fish River Canyon is Africa’s largest canyon, thought to have formed about 500 million years ago.  The Dragon’s Breath Cave in Namibia has the largest known underground lake in the world,

The country is home to two large but very distinct deserts, the Namib desert and the Kalahari desert. They each have a different look and geological structure.

Namibia enjoys 300 days of sunshine every year. So when coming pack up those sunshades and hats.

It is a fascinating country and definitely qualifies as one of the countries you should visit at least once in your lifetime.

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